Recirquel: IMA
After earning tremendous critical and popular acclaim at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, IMA is returning to Müpa Budapest, again playing in a tent set up next to the building. more
After earning tremendous critical and popular acclaim at last year's Edinburgh Fringe Festival, IMA is returning to Müpa Budapest, again playing in a tent set up next to the building. more
Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!
Last event date: Sunday, September 29 2024 8:30PM
Becoming part of Recirquel's immersive production, viewers will enter into a unique state of sensuality and consciousness: floating in an installation space that, shaped by millions of points of light and by sound, evokes the universe, they will join the acrobats in discovering the hidden paths of the soul.
This production directed by Bence Vági brings cirque danse into a new dimension: first created by the Recirquel company and now known around the world, this genre merges the formal languages of contemporary circus, dance and theatre.
An essential element of the immersive experience involves ‘tuning in' in the space especially designed for this purpose prior to the performance. To this end, we recommend that visitors arrive at least 15 minutes before the announced start time. Due to the nature of the venue and the production, we are unable to admit viewers who arrive late to the performance.
The duration of the performance is approximately 35 minutes. It is not recommended for viewers under the age of 12.
The premiere took place in 2022 as part of the Bartók Spring festival.
Performed by: Charles-Eric Bouchard / Zita Horváth / Renátó Illés / Eszter Seguí-Fábián / Gábor Zsíros
music: Edina Szirtes
IMA installation. Bence Vági, Tamás Vladár
lobby design: Árpád Iványi
costumes: Emese Kasza
sound: Gábor Terjék
lighting: Attila Lenzsér
technical director, flight specialist: Tamás Vladár
a rendező kreatív munkatársa: Kristóf Várnagy
assistant to the director: Aliz Schlecht
choreographer, director: Bence Vági
Presented by: Müpa Budapest
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