


“The protagonist of this grotesque story is the widow Mrs. Béla Orbán, and the play is actually her never-ending big-mouthed, truth-bending or downright lying quarrel with everyone around her. (…) She fights tooth and nail to force her confused, senseless and hopeless love on the world.  more

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"She encompasses all the capabilities a person can have: the loud mouth of a vendor in a marketplace and the grace of a tragic Greek heroine. What else could she do? Mrs. Orbán defies the laws of nature as she ignores old age and declares a war on death” – said István Örkény in the Preface to his tragicomedy The Cats Play. Director János Szász’s assessment: “This show belongs to the actors. All I have to do is wish them courage and faith for this beautiful and bone-chillingly hard journey.”


Vannak történetek, amiket mindenképpen el kell mondani. Vannak történetek, amikről lehetetlen beszélni. Ezek néha ugyanazok a történetek. Most egy nő…

Carl Orff CARMINA BURANA Scenic cantata in the original languages, with Hungarian, English, and same-language subtitles